Ron in the news

Ron Beitler in the news.

Lehigh County Commissioner to seek 2nd term.

Lehigh County commissioners seek state funding to open regional youth detention center

“The root of the issue stems from a very positive development: we’re no longer detaining juveniles who do not belong in detention,” said Commissioner Ron Beitler. “This progress, achieved through the hard work of Lehigh County Juvenile probation officers, judges, and others, has created a reality where individual county facilities no longer make sense.”

Beitler says the decision comes in the midst of a juvenile detention bed crisis in Pennsylvania. “By refurbishing and renovating the former Berks County Youth Detention Center in nearby Leesport, we aim to establish a program staffed by Berks County employees, offering 30 beds divided evenly between the counties,” said Beitler.

APR 07, 2017 Saying enough is enough, Lower Macungie to eliminate warehouses from zoning

Township Commissioner Ron W. Beitler announces re-election bid

Lower Macungie commits funds to preserve 55-acre Heim farm.

With official map, Lower Macungie takes more proactive stance on land use issues.

Two Lehigh County townships in pilot program to save farms

Lower Macungie jumps on opportunity to preserve more farmland

Dogs have a howling good time at new Lower Macungie pooch park

Family of late developer Weiner helping Lower Macungie pursue farmland preservation, mixed-use village.

Lower Macungie approves Shepherd Hills Golf Club preservation deal

“The Board of Commissioners voted unanimously Thursday to approve an agreement with club owner Robert Ashford that rescues the golf course in the short term and blocks residential or commercial development of the property into perpetuity. The approval was met with applause. “The cheapest time to preserve property is always today,” Commissioner Ron W. Beitler said. “Land is becoming increasingly more finite in the township, and as it becomes more sparse, land values will go up. … I want to make sure the [threat of development] there is eliminated forever.”


Two Lower Macungie officials oppose advertising budget with controversial artificial turf project

OP-ED Your View by Lower Macungie board president: Why we are finished with warehouses

Lower Macungie to give homeowners a tax break.

“Commissioners approved the implementation of a Homestead Act property tax exemption program similar to that of the East Penn School District, which gives homeowners a break on their property tax bills for a primary residence.”


In biggest land preservation move yet, Lower Macungie will vote to acquire nearly 200 acres.

OP-ED Thomases and Beitler: Lehigh County has chance to boost farmland preservation

Ron W. Beitler Kicks off Campaign for Lehigh County Commissioner

“Beitler, 42, has made a name for himself in the Lehigh Valley as a prominent supporter of smart development and preserving open space. For years he blogged about the hidden costs warehouses create on local government, particularly on Lehigh Valley infrastructure. He’s pointed to preserving farmland as a way to limit unwanted development. During Beitler’s time in office, the township doubled the number of preserved farms, including the 190-acre Weiner farm in 2018.”


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