Yes, Lower Macungie Reduced your Residential Property Tax Bills



Yesterday, Ryan Mackenzie dropped a negative mail piece distorting my record as a Lower Macungie Commissioner. It was boilerplate negative junk mail complete with scary imagery of burning money and a black and white photo of me. You know the deal. The kind of nonsense career politicians spend shocking amounts of money on to stuff your mailbox with during elections. (each mailer costs many 1000’s of dollars)


I wanted to write a response in the form of a letter to give you factual information to consider when voting next Tuesday.


In 2014 I came into office as a local Commissioner after winning by record margins on a platform of farmland preservation, transparency, and fiscal restraint. The question we asked was how do we preserve farms while giving homeowners a tax break? The result was instituting an innovative use of the homestead exclusion. And this is where Ryan’s distortion comes into play. 


Essentially this allowed us to adjust the baseline millage, while giving homeowners an exclusion on 50% of their assessed value. In plain English, this meant we ensured impactful land uses like shopping centers and warehouses paid for preservation efforts instead of homeowners. In doing so 90% of homeowners got a break on their property tax bills shifting the burden away from residents and onto warehouses. A sensible thing to do since for better or worse we now have many warehouses in the township.
So, over the last 4 years:


  • 80% of homeowners got an ongoing break on their municipal property tax bills
  • 10% of homeowners now get a bill for 0.00. (Mostly our mobile home communities)
  • Yes, warehouses pay a little bit more
  • We used the money to preserve 6 farms including most recently 185 acres on Sauerkraut Ln. A property that could have otherwise been built out with nearly 300 new units.

In biggest land preservation move yet, Lower Macungie will vote to preserve nearly 200 acres.


The fact warehouses and other impactful land uses now pay slightly more is where Mackenzie attempts to distort the record for political gain. The mailer attempts to categorize this as a broad-based tax increase. That’s both factually incorrect and misleading. What he doesn’t mention is even with the slight increase warehouses now pay, Lower Mac has the lowest millage rate of any suburban community. We offer an extremely competitive playing field. This is why companies are choosing to relocate to Lower Mac.


Linked below are numerous sources you can read in full. Another trick career politicians use is to only post headlines instead of full copies of articles and background information.



I’ve focused this campaign on my record of results and refused to go negative. So, needless to say, this last-minute tactic was very disappointing. Career politicians often drop things like this very late in the game – days before the election. They do it so there isn’t time to respond. And that’s why I’m hand delivering this to you today. I hope it helps.


End of the day Tuesday, whether you vote for the incumbent or myself, I want to help give you the facts before making your choice.


Here is a chart of savings from 2015-2016 and the total reduction since 2014. 


PA has the largest/most expensive but worse rated legislature in the Nation. Reducing its bloated size and cost is a good idea, but not a new idea. In fact, it’s been around for decades.
But… it never happens.
Pennsylvania House leaders tout, then ignore, bill to cut its size.

Pennsylvania has some of the highest property taxes in the Nation.
Property tax reform is a great idea, but not a new idea. In fact, MANY proposals have been floated for decades.
But… none ever get passed.
Pa. Senate votes to reject measure to scrap property taxes

PA has an antiquated prevailing wage that drives up costs for local governments.
At the very minimum, the threshold which hasn’t been touched in 40 years should be increased. After decades of inaction, this at a minimum should be a no-brainer.
But… it doesn’t.
Pennsylvania’s Prevailing Wage Law. Not updated since 1961

People often seek office for the right reasons. But once they get in, something happens. They become politicians. Well-intentioned folks become unwilling or unable to get basic items passed. The problem is compounded in our state because Reps serve 2-year terms. In PA representatives never stop campaigning and get stuck inside the Harrisburg bubble.


The single essential good government reform. The one that can break the back of the incumbency machine that both parties indulge in.

Term Limits ensure that no individual can focus more on keeping a job or attaining power than representing and serving the public. When public officials know, that they only have the opportunity to serve in one position for a limited amount of time, they become more willing to make the tough but necessary decisions. 

Professional politicians like to talk about the value of experience in government. Nuts! The only experience you gain in politics is how to be political. – Ronald Reagan

Press Release: Beitler to Mackenzie – Retract False Attacks

Township to consider massive preservation of 185 acres of farmland.

**UPDATE: The board voted unanimously 5-0 to move this forward. Closing is scheduled for September 2018.

If passed, it will be the single biggest (in terms of acres) and most transformative (in terms of impact) preservation win in Township history.

The property in question has been referred to as the “Weiner Tract” (a reference to the family who owns it). It’s indicated a preservation priority on the adopted Township official map which outlines our preservation strategy. It’s the largest single remaining piece of farmland left in Lower Mac. One that is otherwise zoned for development and as such could be built out ‘by right’ (meaning nothing we could do to stop it) with what could be between 150-250 units. The impact of which would be widespread on the school district, our road network, stormwater management and our ability to provide services.

The property is located along Brookside Rd, Sauerkraut Ln. and Macungie Rd. It’s adjacent in parts to multiple neighborhoods including: Fairways at Brookside, Wild Cherry Knoll, Hillside School, Waterfall Crossings, Indian Creek Village and nearby Millbrooks Farms.

Here is what is proposed for preservation:


This property is roughly 185 acres of which 150 is developable land in the heart of the township.

The purchase price would be just over 5 million dollars. (Remember, this land is zoned for development). The price is based on an appraisal and accounts for the fair market value of the property. The township has additional ideas we are considering which will be outlined in detail on Thursday. This includes how we could acquire the property taking it off the market (eliminating the threat of development) and then apply it for permanent preservation via the Lehigh County Farmland Preservation program. The property at one time ranked number 1 in terms of the County ranking system according to soil quality and development threat.

Next, after the land is preserved, many options would be on the table as to what happens next. For exampe, the property could be sold as a permanently preserved farm, the township could keep a portion to expand the municipal campus and we could integrate the area around the swabia into the township greenway. (something that is planned for on the Greenway master plan) Many of these options involve re-couping much of our initial investment.

*Note, this initiative is being proposed without any tax increase or additional debt.

My thoughts:

In 2013 we had a mindset change enacted by residents at the ballot box. Commissioners including myself were elected to pursue smarter growth policies. Where we can save open space, we explore it. Where we can’t, we seek higher quality development in the right locations where infrastructure exists to support it. Our preservation strategy that began to take shape in 2014 reflects that.

For 4 years now, we’ve worked to set the township up financially for flexibility to respond to opportunities just like this one without the need for tax increases or debt. We also adopted an official map laying out important parcels for preservation. (A necessary item for transparency). And lastly, we engaged landowners proactively working together to identify opportunities.

This is the result of that work. I support the preservation of this property.

What will our community look like in 20 years?

When I speak to folks about the future of our township I talk about a community at a crossroads. The photo below taken by my friend Jeff Zehr (former director the Lehigh County Pres. program) symbolizes that.

This proposal will go a long way to ensure our community remains the wonderful place it is today by preserving and permanently protecting almost 200! additional acres of absolutely prime farmland in a centralized location. One that is otherwise zoned for development and could if not preserved be developed with almost 250 units.

This is an incredible opportunity. And I want to thank the family who owns the land for working with the township.

Questions? – Contact me here at or leave a comment below. 


Lower Mac in the News

Pennsylvania sues to keep corporate welfare secret, taxpayers foot legal bill.

From the Morning Call:


“Pennsylvania has filed a suit attempting to block the release of details about the financial benefits it offered Amazon in hopes of luring the company to build its second headquarters in the commonwealth.

The suit, filed late Tuesday in Commonwealth Court, seeks to overturn a ruling from the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, which decided that the records are public and ordered the state to release the details.”

As a taxpayer, this makes me livid! Why on earth wouldn’t sunshine laws apply here? Of course, they should.

This is bad government being conducted behind closed doors. The public has every right to know when our tax dollars are being offered to corporations in the form of grants and subsidies.


The Office of Open Records ruled correctly earlier this year. This is without question public information. Currently, our State Government is challenging that ruling to keep this information hidden. And guess what? You and I, taxpayers are footing that legal bill.

The Wolf administration and General Assembly need to immediately take steps to release this information to Pennsylvania Taxpayers.

When local governments were considering ill conceived tax subsidies and gifts to an out of state shopping center developer, (Something I vocally opposed, fought and voted against) while it was being considered and debated we insisted and ensured ALL the relevant information was completely available to taxpayers for review in great detail. This is the opposite of that.

The entire deal from the beginning was drafted in secret, presented in secret and today State Government is using OUR tax dollars to try to keep it secret.

Read more: Ethics reform in PA? Don’t hold your breath.. 

Harrisburg and DC can learn from local governments

Today in Washington DC, our US Congress passed one of the swampiest bills ever conceived in the most un-transparent way possible. And they did it with bipartisan support. In doing so, members had less than 24 hours to read, digest & consider over 2200 pages. Result? $1,300,000,000,000 bill that adds billions to our runaway national debt. Honestly, it seems the only time the two parties cooperate is when they really want to stick it to us.


Earlier, in Harrisburg – Four months late – elected leaders passed their spending bill. But they did it before locking down a revenue plan. So surprise! There was a gaping hole. So, they turn to gimmicks & band-aids. Massive borrowing, yet another expansion of gambling. The result? With nothing fixed, we’ll face the same problems again next year.



Meanwhile in Lower Mac we passed a budget (once again) on time and managed to actually reduce our planned general fund spending by about 6% year to year. Of course, it’s not always without tough conversations. Note, I personally voted against advertising (one step in the process) 2 of the 4 budgets we considered since I became a Commissioner. But, we get through it.

So ya.
I think career politicians in DC and Harrisburg can learn something from local government. 

Back to DC. Remember in 2010, we were promised by party leaders a new age of transparency as part of the contract with America? It stated, “We’ll ensure bills are debated and discussed in the public square by publishing the text online for at least three days before coming up for a vote in the House. No more hiding legislative language from the minority party, opponents, and the public. Legislation should be understood by all interested parties before it is voted on.

The Omnibus completely ignores this. Is it really too much to ask? 3 days to review a 2000+ page spending bill?

So, I want to share the process we use here in Lower Mac. Which actually honors the tenants laid out in the above contract.
Yes, obviously State and Federal budgets are absolute beasts compared to ours.
But the same principles do, can and should apply. 

1.) We start very early. Our process begins in August. 5 months before the budget is due.

2.) Decision makers get materials early.  Commissioners get draft budget book by September and then have full access to staff to question, suggest and critique.

3.) Residents then have ample opportunity to make suggestions and offer comment. Each year the Board holds no less than 2 but normally 3 full public hearings. All not only open to the public to participate but also simultaneously webcast on our website and also broadcast on television.

4.) The full budget is made available online to residents through multiple avenues. We make the full draft budget available for public review and scrutiny almost a full month before the Commissioners final vote.

I do think our process is particularly transparent. But other localities do similar. Again, I think DC and Harrisburg can learn a thing or two.

I’ll leave you with this: Our Federal Government spends nearly $7 million per minute, the national debt will reach $24.9 trillion by 2027. The Social Security trust fund is already insolvent. The highway trust fund is insolvent. And this is the same federal government that states rely on to fund many essential services. We’re heading off the cliff folks. We’ve known this for awhile, but lately it doesn’t seem like most career politicians even bother to pretend they care.


21 Trillion and counting. . . 

national debt


Ya, I’m pretty ticked off. As a taxpayer I’m tired of getting thrown under the #Omnibus. #TermLimitsNOW

Congress’s “One Spending Bill to Rule Them All” is a Debt-Fueled Disgrace.


Lehigh Valley Hospital made decision to sell to developer instead of preserve

Photo from the Morning Call

I’m truly dismayed by Lehigh Valley Hospital’s decision to sell to a developer instead of negotiate with the township to preserve a 54 acre property on Lower Macungie Rd. and Cedar Crest Blvd.

Below is the relevant background on this issue since it’s a story that goes back a few year:

1.) Lower Mac rolls out township wide preservation strategy indicates willingness to work with Wildlands.

Beginning more than 2 years ago, the township drafted and adopted an official map of preservation priorities. That July, a letter of intent to purchase the Farr property was submitted by the Wildlands conservancy with the support of Lower Macungie Twp. The offer was for an appraised value by a to-be-determined appraiser agreeable to both parties. The Farr Tract was identified on the map as desired for farmland preservation. To that end, we planned for and funded a line item to participate in any preservation opportunities. Moreover, we stood ready and able as willing partners to work with the Wildlands to preserve this specific property. It was likely that the property could have been purchased, then preserved permanently through the Lehigh Co. Farmland Preservation program and then either sold as a preserved piece of land or maintained by either the township or the Wildlands. The end result would have been permanent preservation.

2.) Lehigh Valley Hospital rolls out highly impactful development plan
Next, in February of 2016 Lehigh Valley Hospital submitted a highly impactful 94 unit land development proposal for the site. Since Cedar Crest Blvd. is a PennDOT identified congested corridor this was immediately concerning. The site is access constrained and presents many planning problems. It also included a proposal for 94 individual private wells. The township planning commission expressed reservations through a series of meetings well attended by the public. The developer at this point requested a rezoning change that the township Board of Commissioners rejected.

Morning Call: LVHN seeks to subdivide land that Wildlands Conservancy has offered to buy to preserve.

Despite being a very poorly designed plan that basically “shoe horned” as many units as possible onto the site, it was understandable that the trust and hospital submit it – as they were trying to determine highest and best market value. The property at the time was being advertised for over 3 million dollars. Most familiar with land sales in the township understood that this amount was high. That position of course was justified by the eventual sale price. The township made it clear that the amount of units proposed was problematic for all the reasons listed above.

3.) Much less impactful alternative plan presented. Township supportive.
Next, after feedback from the township that the 94 unit plan was so concerning another developer (Lou Pektor) came into the picture with a 17 lot estate plan. This would have meant 2-3 acre lots billed as “million dollar homes”.

Lower Macungie gets first look at plan for $1-million-plus homes on Farr tract

The township was very receptive to this plan as the unit count went from 94 to 17. An 80% decrease in impact. An obvious win for the community. It also allowed the township to keep our preservation irons hot for other projects on our preservation roadmap. We stood ready to work with the developer to make this project happen. The sketch plan went through at least one planning commission review and was positively received by residents.

4.) LVHN significantly reduces asking price, but does not contact the township. 
Before we got the news that the property sold for well under advertised price, above was where we stood. We believed the large lot plan was in play and moving forward. Prior to that we rejected a request to rezone and also partnered with the Wildlands to make an offer. Not at any point did official or even a courtesy notification come from LVHN that the 17 lot plan was off the table or that the property was being actively marketed again. Especially not for a significantly reduced price well within a range the township would consider.

So that brings us to this week. . .

Jaindl acquires Farr Tract in Lower Macungie from LVHN

Unless the plan is to build the 17 lot estate sketch plan, (I doubt it) this becomes immediately concerning for all the reasons outlined above. First, since it’s a missed opportunity and very much a mystery why LVHN, a non profit entity who bills itself as a community partner did not explore working with the township. I believe the eventual sale price accurately represents the value of the property as opposed to the inflated advertised sale price. So, we would have certainly entertained the conversation to preserve the entire property at the price it ended up selling for. There is no doubt.

So, end of the day it was a disappointing to say the least – choice made by the hospital to sell to a developer instead of to preserve. There was a very good chance the hospital could have “cashed out” at the same dollar amount they ended up while doing the right thing. It was an option. They could have determined that with a simple conversation. Now, the hospital is only 50% of the equation here. There was also a family trust involved. But it’s clear the hospital was the public entity (supposedly dedicated to being a community partner) involved with a very public say in the issue. And they were the public applicant on the 94 unit plan.

Secondly, all the original conversations about the impact on Cedar Crest now come fully back into play. After we lost the Indian Creek Golf course in Emmaus Borough to development (despite Upper Milfords efforts to reduce that impact), Lower Mac made the decision to do whatever we can to reduce impact on the congested corridor. Our attempt to preserve this property which began 3 years ago was a part of that.

So where do we go from here? Not sure. The township stands ready to work with Jaindl now to preserve the land. Jaindl has indicated “he will let the township know when he has a plan in place”. That of course, always makes me nervous.

What do you think? Leave a comment below or contact at

Lower Macungie Township in the news
Want to keep taxes low? Preserve farmland! 

It’s Groundhog Day for Ethics reforms in PA


Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? It’s where Bill Murray wakes up and relives the same day over and over. That’s basically life here in Pennsylvania waiting for legislators to act on meaningful reforms. Each election cycle “News conferences are held. Bills are introduced. Proposals are made. And what happens?” The answer is nothing.

I wanted to take a moment to share the link below. It’s a quick read and sums up broad themes why I’m running for State Representative. Items even more relevant now that we’re challenging an incumbent.

Below, is an important line from the piece. One which I agree with 100%:

“It’ll take a whole new class of Pa. lawmakers – people more interested in public service than self-service – to alter this basic dynamic of our state’s political culture.”


The time to shake the system loose is now. That’s what our campaign is about. Less about any one particular incumbent but rather incumbency and complacency in general. Our State legislature is the highest paid, but without question the lowest functioning in the nation. Status quo is so clearly not the answer.

Thank you,
Candidate for 134th State House

I can compete and win this. But I need your help. Incumbents fundraise within established donor networks year round. In contrast, I’m raising money in large part from higher quantities of individual donors at smaller amounts. To date: Over 75 people have made individual contributions! My average donation has been just under 100 dollars. While this takes longer and is harder work, it’s the right way to fundraise.
Will you support my campaign for State Representative & contribute $35, $50 or
$75 today?
Or if you prefer you can mail contributions to:
Committee to Elect Ron Beitler
5540 Lower Macungie Rd.
Macungie, PA

Mayor Pawlowski – Exhibit A on the need for term limits.

Friends & Neighbors,

I’ve written many times over the last few years that the entire Lehigh Valley in part rises or falls with the health of our city cores. So, it’s been sad that the Mayor of Allentown’s political corruption scandal has loomed over some otherwise good progress being made. He’s been an increasingly dark cloud and distraction last few years.

With a guilty on 47 counts verdict handed down yesterday and hopefully a quick resignation, the Valley as a whole and the City can finally move forward.

Bill White’s Morning Call column hits a number of important points. They relate to my stance on the importance of term limits for full time paid elected positions.

Clearly, The Mayor over time (or perhaps from the very beginning) let political ambition get the best of him which set the stage for a series of severe ethical lapses and numerous poor decisions.

When you see politics as a career, inevitably at some point you establish a career path, stop making decisions for constituents and start making political calculations for yourself. You stop being a public servant and become something else. One cannot serve two masters.

This is the main reason why I’ve always supported term limits. Ambition is a career politicians worse enemy. We defend against that by ensuring public service remains a calling and not a career.

This doesn’t end with the City of Allentown and hopefully this verdict sends a message across the entire Commonwealth. To see how deep the problem runs, spend some time reading “Keystone Corruption: A Pennsylvania Insider’s View of a State Gone Wrong“. The problem is systemic.

This is why we need structural change. That begins with term limits, resign to run legislation and yes, making districts fair and competitive. We need a return to a citizen legislature in Harrisburg. And all these items help to ensure that.

-Ron Beitler
Candidate for 134th State House

On hedging bets

I prefer campaigning by focusing on what I need to do to get our message out by running on my own record as opposed to worrying about what others are doing. This blog is a 4 year record of ideas, conversation, positions and accomplishments.

However, I will briefly comment on someone else potentially getting into the race because I’ve been asked what it means since it’s been reported by the paper. The Morning Call this week posted that incumbent Ryan Mackenzie is apparently “hedging his election bet” (their words) and circulating petitions for both the 134th and the #PA15 Congressional seat.

I understand what he’s doing, but find it unfortunate someone sees representing us in Harrisburg as a backup plan if their more ambitious one doesn’t work out. No matter what he decides to do, it doesn’t change things for me. I am in this race to win and represent my hometown. To solve the problems that career politicians for whatever reasons have not been able or are unwilling to do.

5 essential State Government reforms

I believe in term limits and I love being a small business owner, so I have no desire to become a career politician. (I will reject any state pension, lavish perks and per diems) I want the chance to serve and take my record of results to Harrisburg to improve our district and the state. Together in Lower Macungie we enacted residential property tax relief that lowered residential tax bills, we preserved farmland and open space, we reduced yearly spending, we proactively planned for our future and we made our local government the most transparent in the region. I delivered here and I know can do the same in Harrisburg.

About Ron
Ron in the news
What others are saying

The #PleaseStand super bowl ad the NFL rejected.

Below is a link to the veterans ad the NFL won’t allow in the Super Bowl program.

I’m a lifelong Philadelphia Eagles Fan and will be watching the Super Bowl, cheering for my favorite team. I was proud when the Eagles did not organize any team wide kneeling during the season.

Player kneeling from the beginning has been counterproductive, serving only as a barrier to any kind of productive conversation. Yes, we have injustices in this Nation but those important conversations got lost. Kneeling only served as a wedge to divide us.
I was again disappointed to see that the NFL will not allow AMVETS National Headquarters to place this simple 1 page ad in the Super Bowl program. American Veterans is the nation’s most inclusive veterans service organization. Their intent was to simply bring the anthem back to what it has come to symbolize above all else. That being the values that unite us, rather than divide us. Those values include respect for those who sacrifice.


Also, consider a 20 dollar tax deductible donation to the organization.
You can do so here.