Mackenzie – Increase penalties for municipal theft

We know all too well in Lower Macungie the damage a crooked public official can cause…. A former supervisor was accused of stealing $2.5 million in township sewer funds over a period of seven years. She later died before she was prosecuted and the township never recovered the full amount stolen. This disaster ended up being the driver for a successful resident led effort to convert Lower Macungie to a 1st class township since the 1st class code prohibits Commissioners from also being township employees.

Also this: Former South Whitehall Employee, Husband Charged with Embezzling Nearly $1M from Township

This is good legislation by Representative Mackenzie who represents Lower Macungie and South Whitehall in the 134th.  Elected officials who abuse the public’s trust should receive most severe penalties.

From Rep. Mackenzie’s facebook page. Mackenzie explains why he feels increased penalties for those who steal from municipalities make sense.

County BOC directs administration to remove County as agent for Unions

Last night, the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners directed the Administration, in all future negotiations between the County Of Lehigh and employee bargaining units (including meet and discuss units), to remove the County as dues collection agent for any third-party membership organizations. The motion was sponsored by Commissioner Mike Schware and was approved by a vote of 6-2. The vote was along party lines.