About admin

Born and raised in Lower Macungie Township in the village of East Texas. B.A. in Political Science from Slippery Rock University. Co-owner of Bar None Weddings & Entertainment. I love and care about my hometown and frequently blog about local issues that I think are important.

Friends smart growth positions

I want to make it so crystal clear. That there is a chasm between “Friends” vision for our township and that of our elected officials. Come election time it should be so completely obvious that voters will have a crystal clear choice…. I think I’ll repost again “friends’ smart growth policy suggestions that we’ve been promoting for nearly 2 years that have been largely ignored. Please share with your friends and neighbors if you think these solutions for the township makes more sense then the road we’re on.

What Friends supports:

1. Infill development with a focus on Mixed Land Use and Traditional Neighborhood projects.
– Focus on maximizing taxpayer return on investment on our existing infrastructure.
– To encourage this we support creation of Mixed Use ordinances grounded in smart growth principle.

2. Exploring conservation easements to conserve our remaining Green fields.
– Easements are the only effective way to truly preserve farmland that has come under market pressure to develop. It’s also the fairest mechanism for private landowners.
– To identify funding mechanisms and prioritize land to conserve we support the re-creation of a township farmland and open space preservation board.

3. Requiring complete cost benefit lifecycle analysis of all new development.-Including impact on services, maintenance of infrastructure, impact on the EPSD, impact on our tax base.

4. Encouraging community collaboration development decisions and making them predictable, fair and cost effective.

5. Fostering a strong sense of place by connecting our disconnected subdivisions through a complete street network.
– Complete streets are designed and operated to enable safe, attractive, and comfortable access and travel for all users, including cars, pedestrians and bicyclists and users of all ages and abilities.

Stormwater Pond gets Help Getting More Natural

Scott Alderfer the chair of our township Environmental Advisory Council writes on his blog, ‘Streamhugger’ about the Penns Meadow rehabilitated stormwater project.

This past Saturday, our township’s Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) joined forces with our local Boy Scout Troop (Troop 131 of Wescosville, PA) to accomplish our goal of planting over 360 aquatic and wetland plants in and around the Penn’s Meadow pond.  Twenty-four boy scouts and 17 parents of scouts got down and dirty, and occasionally wet, while planting the native wetland plants that will provide cover and shelter for some of the wildlife that passes through or resides at the location.  In addition to EAC members, the scouts, and their parents, the work crew also included seven local residents who heard about the workday on Facebook and wanted to be a part of it.

ACT 537 Sewage Plan

This post comes from a fellow Friends board member from our Facebook Page. (Scott is a resident of Upper Milford, but grew up in the township and is active advocate for smart growth and land preservation.)

If you have a septic tank sewage system. mandatory pumping of the tank is going to be required under the township’s proposed new Act 537 Sewage Plan. The pumping requirement is one part of the revised sewage plan. The other part of the sewage plan calls for the expansion of the township’s public sewer area to include the proposed Jaindl development project on Spring Creek Road.

Expansion of the public sewer area is necessary for the Jaindl project to be built. Giant warehouses, 700 new houses and townhouses and commercial sprawl can’t use septic systems. They need public sewers.

DEP may require some minor changes to the sewage plan but is expected to eventually approve it.
The township claims the public sewer area has to be enlarged to serve the zoning change of the Jaindl land. Only problem is that the zoning change is currently not in effect since a Lehigh County judge voided the zoning change last year because of inadequate advance public notice of the zoning change.

Meanwhile, Jaindl’s commercial and industrial subdivision plan for his land cannot get final approval until he completes specific sewage planning for his subdivision plan. And he can’t start that process until the township’s sewage expansion plan is approved by DEP.

in other news, the appellants appeal (supported by Friends) of the Jaindl subdivision plan is scheduled for oral arguments in Lehigh County court in October.

We claim the township cannot approve a subdivision plan while the underlying zoning change is still under legal appeal.

Meanwhile, we are waiting for the ruling from the commonwealth court on the township’s and Jaindl’s appeal of the county judge’s ruling that voided the zoning change.

Are you confused now ?? At least the people who have septic systems know that mandatory pumping is coming for sure.

Allen Organ Supermarket and 200+ Apartments is back.

It’s back. Except it’s no longer being characterized as a smart growth mixed use project as it once was. (But never really was…) Now it’s being billed as exactly what it really is. A supermarket and a gas station paired with 200 apartments on 30 some acres. The project would be the highest density in the township.

This property is located in the Corn Field between Mack Trucks and Borough of Macungie aside of and behind the Allen Organ offices. Township Commissioner Ron Eichenberg happens to be the realtor on the project.

What this is, is a high density residential project next to a high density commercial parcel. In fact one of the Planning Commissioners mentioned what I mentioned a couple months ago. What this is, is the Trexlertown Mall. Note those apartments have currently devolved into HUD housing.

Though the project has stayed essentially the same the developer is no longer seeking the new mixed use ordinance it once was. Special accommodations would have to be made since there is currently no zoning that allows this kind of development. Basically the township needs to go out of it’s way to allow this.

Many members of the planning commission were absent, so no official action was taken. Will keep an eye on this one.


The developer mentioned improvements to intersection will alleviate traffic issues – My question here is. Currently, there are no traffic issues. Traffic flows great at the intersection of Willow Lane and Rt. 100. Traffic issues might be created by this project, but currently there are none. This project would have 1 entrance in and out dumping 100% of the traffic onto Rt. 100.
“Just because you buy the junkiest land in the township doesn’t mean you should get special exceptions” – PCom member Maury Robert
“Little uncomfortable with the highest density in the township, should we really have developments exceeding 8 units per acre?” – Pcom member Tom Beil

DEVELOPMENT WATCH: Productive discussion last night on Lumber St. new daycare closer to reality.


Last night Borough council approved plans to relocate Lumber St. clearing the way for the construction of a daycare center on the Lumber Street property.

This is a great plan for a couple reasons aside from obviously developing a gaping whole in the middle of the downtown streetscape.

1. Upgraded Lumber St. at reduced cost to taxpayer. Lumber St. now is pretty much a gravel road that sees a fairly high volume of traffic. It’s a shortcut for anyone coming into town from Brookside who turn onto Lehigh St. Someday regardless of what happens with the lumber yard the Borough was going to have to address the situation. The potential new owners of the property, Christine and Joseph Devineare essentially contributing 1 dollar for taxpayer dollar to upgrade the street.

This is a winner for the Borough. Instead of the taxpayer coming in and having to pay the lions share of 400,000+ dollars the borough is only on the hook for roughly half. Excellent example of a private/public partnership. Win/Win.

2. The Recreation component. With a land development plan the developer must either contribute land or pay a fee. The Devines have offered to dedicate the bank of the mountain creek as open space and a pathway to the Borough in lieu of paying. This potential dedication will make an excellent addition to the borough path system. Better yet, the borough can wait and decide on whether to accept the dedication after seeing the pathway, gauging usage and value to the community. Again it’s Win/Win.

3. Business people working together. If I have one fault with this plan it’s losing 3-4 spaces on Main due to un-avoidable site line restrictions. However, I’m very happy to see all the players involved working to build more off-street parking behind Main. If there is one commodity that is absolutely invaluable to a suburban Main St. it’s parking spaces adjacent to the downtown. My one comment is I would love to see the Devines or a combination of landowners involved in the deal replace the 3 public spaces being lost with dedication of 3 public spaces on the Main St. end of the project so there isn’t a net loss of public parking.

Here is what warehouse landscaping should look like in LMT

The example on the right is a local warehouse near Quakertown. Notice the Earthen bank completely and effectively shields neighboring uses from the loading docks, trucks and the monstrous barren super box wall.

Contrast this vs. warehouses in our township where the street view remains dominated by loading docks, tractor trailers, vast parking lots and the wall. Here in LMT neighbors have to deal with truck idling, backup alarms and down shifting 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

If our elected leadership is continuing a policy of committing us  “all in” on warehouses then we need to beef up our landscaping and screening requirements accordingly if vast tracts of farmland are to be plowed over and paved, and our landscape is to be dominated by these superboxes.


Residents seek Township assistance for increased flooding

Two residents came before the Board of Commissioners last Thursday seeking assistance in order to attain a federal FEMA buyout of their properties in Ancient Oaks on Spring Creek Rd.

The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program utilizes 75% Federal funds, 22% State funds and 3% from other sources. In this case the residents are requesting township funding to cover the 3%.

I had the chance to visit one couple who owns one of these 3 homes yesterday located in Ancient Oaks. It’s important to note the gentleman I spoke with purchased his home in 1996. This was before the last building boom and more importantly before the Wal-Mart was built.

I firmly believe that the Wal-Mart swale (that floods out Spring Creek Rd. after most major rain events) is a major contributor to our flooding issues. As most township residents can attest and have seen first hand, the waterflow across Spring Creek from Wal Mart and Upper Macungie Township resembles a raging river during floods.

I mention this because I believe this entire neighborhood within Ancient Oaks (approx a dozen homes) is affected because of development decisions made by UMT and LMT over the past 2 decades. I especially feel for the residents who purchased their homes long before these decisions were made and the floodplain increased.

Thursday at 4pm the residents will plead their case in front of Doug Brown and Ron Eichenberg at the planning and zoning committee. I fully support the township stepping up and funding 3% of the costs to buy-out these homes. Again, especially in the case of homeowners who purchased their homes in the 90’s the township has a moral responsibility to make amends for poor development decisions of the past.

Ancient Oaks in Lower Macungie Township

Affected neighborhood in Lower Macungie has seen increase in flooding over last 15 years. Residents whose homes are frequently flooded are seeking assistance.

How we’ve grown.

Think about this for a second.

Over the past ten years LMT has grown at an amazing 40% clip.  That’s 12,000 new residents in one decade. Along with major commercial and industrial development.

For many projects in and around the township the first life cycle of growth created positive cash flowWhy? Developers often pay for INITIAL improvements in order to get support for projects. This includes one time traffic impact fees, upgrades to intersections, roadways, water and sewer lines, building of stormwater management facilties ect. ect.

The fundamental question is: What happens down the line when all of the above mentioned needs ongoing maintenance, improvements, we need more fire protection, a police force ect. and the developers have long since moved on to the next greenfield and all this becomes the responsibility of the taxpayer?

These are all questions of not if but when. When maintenance costs are more than initial gain? Not if but when long term cash flow turns negative?

Where we are at now: According to our leadership the solution is more and more growth. If this is truly case, something has gone wrong. We’ve seen 40% growth last decade. The most in the state of Pennsylvania. If growth is the solution why is there still a problem? This is the general rationale for Jaindl land development from our commissioners. They see the project as wonderful.

Friends for Protection of LMT asks this fundamental question: How can we possibly need more growth after we’ve seen a 40% increase over past 4 years? How can this is sustainable?

One thing is clear. If we NEED growth after a decade of 40% growth, then we’ve have grown in an unsustainable fashion. The current board continues this trend. What we REALLY need right now is a more PRODUCTIVE development pattern.

This is why “Friends” supports the following:
1. Mixed use – Walkable neighborhoods, interconnected, public space.
2. Emphasis on infill instead of greenfield. Utilizing our existing infrastructure to increase our Return on Investment
3. Diversification of our tax base. – Diversified, stable revenue stream. We have more then fulfilled our need for light industrial (warehouses) it’s time to attract other forms of high end commercial.

Parks & Rec comprehensive plan kickoff meeting 9/17!

Parks & Rec comprehensive plan kickoff meeting 9/17!


Next Monday September 17th will be the Township Parks & Recreation comprehensive plan kickoff meeting! The township recieved a grant to fund planning as part of the Greenway Project. Lower Macungie Township has been the fastest growing municipality in Pennsylvania for the last decade with tremendous residential growth resulting in a population change of approximately +12,000 residents since 2000 representing a 40% increase.

Why now: The last Comprehensive Recreation Plan was prepared in 2000 prior to the most recent population surge. Currently the township owns28 parks and most of the 500 year floodplain surrounding the Little Lehigh River and Swabia Creeks. (Credit should be given to previous supervisors and township leadership for aggressively collecting floodplain over the years.) Since the last plan we have also constructed the community center and hired a Recreation Director.

Since so much has changed so rapidly in the township over the last 10 years a comprehensive review of our Parks system makes alot of sense at this time. For ex. I’ve been extremely supportive of creating a township supported dog-park funded largely by private donations and fundraising. This is a great example of an idea that can be explored within the context of reviewing all 28 of our township parks to find the best potential future home for a possible dog park.

Outcomes: As part of this review we’ll be able to assess any needs our community may have that aren’t currently being served, the strengths of our system and identify any weaknesses. It’s important to note our current Parks and Recreation committee has done an excellent job over the past few years identifying a 5 year plan and budgeting for on-going park maintenance. The upcoming comprehensive review will only give the committee more resources and strenghten their ongoing efforts by tying the process into the larger budget picture more clearly.

Participate! We need the public to come to the kickoff meeting! It will be held at 6pm on Monday the 17th. There will be opportunities to voice your feedback, thoughts and your take on the future direction of our parks system. I hope to see you there!

Macungie Farmers Market should collaborate with LMT

The Macungie Farmers Market is closed tomorrow for another car show. On Thursdays I usually try to take a walk over (my work is across the street) in the evening. Even if I don’t buy anything if it’s nice out I still enjoy the stroll and usually bump into someone I know. (though I usually can’t resist and end up buying something… I never regret it.)

I was thinking this morning. Lower Macungie Township currently does not have a farmers market. Other local communities do. Emmaus for one has a great one. No doubt its a great local asset.

I’m guessing but off the top of my head there are 4-5 weeks during the summer when there is no market due to car shows or other events in the park.

Wouldnt it be great if either LMT or Macungie stepped up and proposed a partnership to co-sponsor the market and for LMT to host it on weekends when Macungie Park is not available? The LMT community center is a stones throw away from Memorial Park.  I have no idea if this is feasible or if it’s something the farmers market association/borough/township would entertain. But if you’ve read my blog you know I’m a huge supporter of cooperation/sharing of resources between the boroughs of Alburtis, Macungie and LMT. (Regional police dept.) It simply geographically makes a ton of sense.

You could very easily split up the contributions made by each municipality by taking the number of weeks in the summer and dividing by the number of weeks LMT would host the market. LMT could contribute that amount for the weeks it hosts. The amount would be very very small. The market could then have a home during the weeks the park is unavailable and it would benefit from co-marketing. LMT would benefit from the co-branding. FYI Macungie borough’s contribution to the market currently is 5,000 dollars a year. A cost of less then 2 bucks per borough resident. The market also accepts donations in the form of sponsorships by local businesses. Well worth it in my opinion.

Just a thought….

 The Macungie Farmers’ Market is a producer/grower market committed to providing locally grown, fresh food; to preserving our agricultural heritage; and to building community.  The Market helps support local agriculture by connecting farmers with consumers.  This means that you buy directly from the farmers and artisans themselves, not from third parties or re-sellers. Since all vendors are producing these products for you, they can often explain best handling and preparation methods and are always willing to offer FREE advice.