Condemn Capitol violence but also condemn seditious rhetoric .

Four years ago I’d say there would be close to zero chance finding myself in a position of shielding my four year old daughter from the television so she does not see images of a riotous incursion by a mob forcing itself into the Capitol Building on American soil. What’s jarring about it particularly is I’ve made efforts to start teaching her basic civics. I think this is important from a very young age. She’s seen pictures of the Capital. She understands it’s an important and meaningful building. So no, I don’t want her to see images of it under siege. Not even as a teachable moment. She’s too young.

It’s unthinkable. We’ve gone backwards as a Nation in this respect. If you have a conservative viewpoint as I do, whatever policy gains made last few years no matter how important (an example from my perspective the appointment of conservative SCOTUS judges was immensely important)… are now costing the Nation its soul. It didn’t have to be this way. We’re being ripped apart.

We are not better off.
Next, if you condemn this violence as I see so many politicians scrambling to do you MUST also condemn the seditious rhetoric from any and all sources that led us to this sad moment in history. That is the most patriotic thing you can do right now. This behavior can never be normalized.

I’m driven by a desire to do good here in our local community. So, I’ve always felt that posts about national issues hurt my ability to do that since some folks always respond to them irrationally. However, history will look back at this moment as one that separated patriots who love our country with political opportunists. I often think about the Country we are passing on to our children. For the first time in decades we are failing to give them better.

This is moral and ethical imperative territory. Stand not only against the violence but also seditious rhetoric. This was cause and effect. When water is heated, molecules start moving.