Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? It’s where Bill Murray wakes up and relives the same day over and over. That’s basically life here in Pennsylvania waiting for legislators to act on meaningful reforms. Each election cycle “News conferences are held. Bills are introduced. Proposals are made. And what happens?” The answer is nothing.
I wanted to take a moment to share the link below. It’s a quick read and sums up broad themes why I’m running for State Representative. Items even more relevant now that we’re challenging an incumbent.
“It’ll take a whole new class of Pa. lawmakers – people more interested in public service than self-service – to alter this basic dynamic of our state’s political culture.”
The time to shake the system loose is now. That’s what our campaign is about. Less about any one particular incumbent but rather incumbency and complacency in general. Our State legislature is the highest paid, but without question the lowest functioning in the nation. Status quo is so clearly not the answer.
Thank you,
Candidate for 134th State House
I can compete and win this. But I need your help. Incumbents fundraise within established donor networks year round. In contrast, I’m raising money in large part from higher quantities of individual donors at smaller amounts. To date: Over 75 people have made individual contributions! My average donation has been just under 100 dollars. While this takes longer and is harder work, it’s the right way to fundraise.

Committee to Elect Ron Beitler
5540 Lower Macungie Rd.
Macungie, PA