Two residents came before the Board of Commissioners last Thursday seeking assistance in order to attain a federal FEMA buyout of their properties in Ancient Oaks on Spring Creek Rd.
The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program utilizes 75% Federal funds, 22% State funds and 3% from other sources. In this case the residents are requesting township funding to cover the 3%.
I had the chance to visit one couple who owns one of these 3 homes yesterday located in Ancient Oaks. It’s important to note the gentleman I spoke with purchased his home in 1996. This was before the last building boom and more importantly before the Wal-Mart was built.
I firmly believe that the Wal-Mart swale (that floods out Spring Creek Rd. after most major rain events) is a major contributor to our flooding issues. As most township residents can attest and have seen first hand, the waterflow across Spring Creek from Wal Mart and Upper Macungie Township resembles a raging river during floods.
I mention this because I believe this entire neighborhood within Ancient Oaks (approx a dozen homes) is affected because of development decisions made by UMT and LMT over the past 2 decades. I especially feel for the residents who purchased their homes long before these decisions were made and the floodplain increased.
Thursday at 4pm the residents will plead their case in front of Doug Brown and Ron Eichenberg at the planning and zoning committee. I fully support the township stepping up and funding 3% of the costs to buy-out these homes. Again, especially in the case of homeowners who purchased their homes in the 90’s the township has a moral responsibility to make amends for poor development decisions of the past.